Friday, April 10, 2009

The Significant of Holy Thursday.

Holy Thursday is possibly one of the most important, complex, and profound days of celebration in the Catholic Church. Holy Thursday celebrates the institution of the Eucharist as the true body and blood of Jesus Christ and the institution of the sacrament of the priesthood. As you go for the mass, celebrant always says Eucharictic Prayer upon the gifts of bread and wine. Let we see the story as written in Bible.

During the Last Supper, Jesus offers himself as the Passover sacrifice, the sacrificial lamb, and teaches that every ordained priest is to follow the same sacrifice in the exact same way. (Mat 26:26-30). Christ also bids farewell to his followers and prophesizes that one of them will betray him and hand him over to the Roman soldiers. (Luke 22:21-22).

Jesus also wash His disciple's feet (John 13:1-15) as we can see at this Mass, the celebrant washes the feet of twelve parishioners to symbolize Christ’s washing of his twelve Apostles, our first bishops and priests.

This Mass stresses the importance Jesus puts on the humility of service, and the need for cleansing with water, a symbol of baptism. Also emphasized are the critical importance of the Eucharist and the sacrifice of Christ’s Body, which we now find present in the consecrated Host.

At the end, all of us continue adoration along the night like Jesus invite His apostles to stay pray with Him before betrayed by Judas. We will remember Jesus while in agony, the apostles fall asleep then He caught by the soldiers. So, Friday come. Do fasting....

"Ekaristi mesti nyata dalam kehidupan ini..."(Homily during Holy Thursday Mass, Kuantan)

credit: -Catholic News Agency
-Homily Father

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