Friday, February 20, 2009

Dear Fr Eugene... Thank you so much.

Many was shocked when they red a statement inside the church buletin on Sunday. Rumors past few months became reality. Hot gossip is not a gossip anymore.

Everybody know, Fr. Eugene transfered to other parish. Where???? He had been transfered to Cameron Highland. Still in Pahang. But many were sad. Their loving priest will leave Kuantan.

Father Eugene Benedict had served St. Thomas Church since 2002. During his duty in Kuantan, Fr. Eugene brought lots of changes in the parish especially to the varsity student in Kuantan. Before he came here, the CSS Kuantan chapter not so active. Then, Fr. Eugene came to help us to build new era of CSS. First, he change CSS to CVSF (Catholic Varsity Student Fellowship). He also allowed student to use church van to cater the needs of student transportation.

blessing before examination

He allowed us to use one big room in the community centre for our gathering. Although he was busy with his tight schedule, he always concern about university students.

Fr. Eugene is a good teacher.

Father Eugene also a good dancer. Here, he preform ngajat dance during dinner and dance 2007

Dear Father Eugene, thanks for your leadership and guidance for past 7 years. God bless you.


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