At 10.10am, Kuantan contingent departed to College General. Ok, what is actually College General? This college is a place where Catholic priests was born. It also known as College of Matyrs because many relics of matyrs were kept in this college. The college was founded in year 1665 at Ayuthia, Siam by the MEP missioneries. Then changes to few places until it finally settle in Penang in year 1808.
Upon arrival in college ground, we were welcome by Bro. Gregory. Of course, his trademark, "iziau no!"
You gonna go up to the chapel...
Tiring face after climbing the steps...
These three boys naughty trying seminarian cassocks.
Our odyssey continued to the college museum just one stone throw from the chapel. The museum was officilally decalared opened in 19 June 1997 by Rt. Rev Anthony Selvanayagam, Bishop of Penang. The building was former residence for the professors and formators.
The entrance of the museum.
Billy was here on 30 September 2008.
Journey of College General from 1665 till 1808
At ground floor, there were 2 sections, early missonary in Far East & old assets from the college. 1st section, we know the history of the College General much better. We saw many historical monuments and books which were used to spread good news of Christ in Asia region. During that time, any attempt to spread Western culture was not allowed (refer back history book). Many methods were used to teach local poeples about Christian. They were beheaded for defending their faith. Many locals were executed in Indo-china, China & Korea.
This was the teaching in Korea which beared on a scaft wear by women passed from village to village.
Another section was the old assets of College General. Picture below will show you the assets.
old school type writer. old school washing machine.
bicycle for the priest to go for mass.
old cathedra
There were seven rooms at 1st floor. There were many sacred vessels displayed. I think this place is better for altar servers to study. We also visited the rooms which were used by MEP professors.
We did some cleaning on the first floor.
We have lunch of char siew at 1.00pm. We can see happy faces after the lunch.
An hour later, we left College General for island tour. We went to Teluk Bahang and Batu Ferringhi. Then, at 3.30pm, we arrived at hotel and rest.
At 8.00pm, all varsity students decided to go to Gurney Drive, one of the famous attraction in Penang. So I was thinking I have 4 objectives to accomplish. Namely:
1. Eat Penang Char Kueh Tiaw.
2. Sip Penang famous Asam Laksa.
3. Melantak Nasi Kandar
4. Cool down with Penang Cendol.
We walked few minutes to find hawker stall to have dinner. Finally, we found an open air stall. I was impressed when entering the stall. I was welcomed by bontot ayam bakar, my favourite dish. Ok. We ordered 40 bontot ayam that night. Fantastic aaaa....
We enjoyed that night very well. We stopped for a while to taste Penang Asam Laksa. 2nd objective done.
While went back to hotel, rain suddenly poured down. We were all wet. We reached hotel at 1am. Aunty Camelia spied us from the window. Adoh... Kantoi eh...