Serving the church is the common things that we always hear lately. Gotong-royong in church, hold a position in ministry, lead a prayer etc. Many peoples response positively when their service is needed by the church. That is good. It is a good sign that His followers are uphold " We are the Church" concept.
But the problem is when the call is coming, always the same face, same person to give response. Why???? [start scratch your head now] What happen to other people of the church????? When we go to the grass roots, we can see most of them afraid to serve the Lord. Main reason was their service might not be satisfy. No experience la katakan.. Some give time constraint reason.
Another problem is some people love to serve but mau minta puji. They want their names to be well known in the society. Buka cerita sana, buke cerita sini. There also lay peoples love to serve but always do not walk the talk. Always critised here and there. Give idea but do not help implementing the idea.
We do understand that some of us have our own business and own agenda. But, remember WE ARE THE CHURCH. It is not a burden for Christians to serve and give some energy output to the church. God has give energy input to us through our daily bread. Serving the church give us more understanding in our journey of faith. Serving with a sincere heart make us feel near to the Lord. Serving the church also will make the brotherhood sense in Christ getting stronger. We can gain more experiences when we are willing to learn from experts in church services.
As a conclusion, do not afraid serve in the church.